U4-U6-U8 in-house Play to Introduce the Game of Soccer
U9-U14 Travel to Develop Competitive Teams for Girls and Boys

Sewickley Area Soccer Strives to Provide an Introduction to the Game of Soccer and Access to Player Development to Higher Levels of Soccer for Boys and Girls.

SAS is a Volunteer Run Organization. We Cannot Serve Our Kids Without Your Help.
Volunteer Your Time
We Welcome Anyone Who Wants To Help. Interested? Please Contact Us as We Need Coaches, Managers and Referees
Soccer in Sewickley
Established in 1976, Sewickley Area Soccer has a long history and tradition of teaching new and rising young players the worlds most popular game! Sewickley Area Soccer (SAS) is a division of Quaker Valley Recreation Association (QVRA), which is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit organization. SAS is also a member of the PA West Soccer Association.
Program Objectives
Introduce kids to the ball and the game
Develop Individual Soccer Skills and Tactics
Teach Teamwork and Positive Attitudes
Promote Higher Levels of the game for Players
Identify Players who can and should move up and help them achieve this
Foster Parent Volunteer Involvement and Community Support
How to Be Involved
Volunteer to Coach a Team (we assist in licensing and certification)
Volunteer to Help with Field Set up and Take down each week
Volunteer your time to help the club with administrative duties
Become a Soccer Referee (we offer in-club training and certification)
Through First Teacher
As your child's' first coach, you play a big part in how well your son or daughter does on the field and how they will respond to future coaches.
Partner With Us
We invite you to work with us to help your children develop their skills and enjoyment of the beautiful game.

Want to become an SAS Volunteer Coach?

Visit the PA West Website to obtain your clearances at www.pawest-soccer.org Click on "Coaching" then click on "Risk Management" and follow the steps to obtain your 3 required clearances. All volunteers and coaches must also complete the mandatory SafeSport online training module in addition to the 3 required PA West Clearances.

Visit the PA West Website again and click on "Coaching" then click on "Licenses". All new coaches must begin by visiting the Digital Coaches Center ("DCC") and creating your unique log in, then then completing the online 4 v 4 Certification. Coaches then may pursue higher levels of licensing (7 v 7, 9 v 9, 11 v 11 etc)

SUBMIT COPIES OF ALL CERTIFICATES TO PA West through the Affinity online portal--all coaches create their own unique login
Where Does Your SAS Program Fee Go???
As part of QVRA and a PA West Member Club, your SAS Registration Fee goes to these Areas of Operation